Due to political and economic reasons, there’re many UK industries today that are facing catastrophic work shortages. Whether it’s because workers aren’t qualified or the funding for roles isn’t available, there’re many crucial spaces in the workforce that aren’t being occupied. If this situation keeps up, things stand to get a lot worse in the imminent future.

However, some say that it’s a great time to change jobs in light of this, because it essentially means higher salaries and less competition. Still, this silver lining only applies if those vacated roles are filled with talented professionals. Is this view overly optimistic and detached from reality?

Consequently, it’s worth asking the question; which UK industries require more workers?


Due to advances in medicine and care, people are living longer. Diseases and afflictions considered fatal many years ago can now be remedied with an assortment of tablets, dietary changes and treatment options. While there isn’t a cure for everything just yet, great progress has certainly been made in achieving this aim over the years.

While it’s great that people can live longer, it does raise further fears. Chiefly, the main cause for concern is; are there enough doctors and nurses to treat everyone? It was only in September that staff shortages in the NHS were branded as a ‘national emergency’, as people wait for much too long for a simple GP appointment or life changing operation. As the population grows and people live longer, there’s more subsequent demand – the healthcare industries need more workers considering this.

Social Care

Of course, if people are living longer, then more staff are required to care for the elderly population in terms of their day-to-day care. Care home assistants, support workers, receptionists service managers; they’ll all be needed in greater numbers as the years go by. Otherwise, the elderly generations will have nowhere to go once they reach a certain age, thereby making them far more vulnerable.

There could also be an upsurge in demand for commercial equipment providers here to help support those in social care attend all their duties and perform their roles as best they can. Still, that social element is largely important too. Elderly people are often lonelier as they age as friends and loved ones start to pass way. Consequently, more workers are needed in this industry to provide some much-desired company and care!

Tech Sector

It’s no secret that technology is developing at an incredible rate, with new devices and innovations constantly pushing the boundaries of the market further and further. In a few decades we’ve seen smartphones, laptops and powerhouse gaming consoles. Everyone wants the latest gadgets and top tier online services. While digital means get a lot of the work done, there’s still an ever-growing need for front line tech wizards. The higher the demand here, the more workers are needed to support that influx of interest. Maintenance crews, IT specialists, engineers to build the machinery, innovative thinkers; there’s a growing need for these kinds of workers today. In a world that’s now essentially being driven by the strides that’re made in technology, the more voices that can be added to this industry, the better.

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