Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a genuinely mind-blowing ability to change our lives as we know them. There are few industries that AI will not impact as it advances and grows. For those in the tech industry, there’s been little doubt for some time now that AI is the next big thing.

Here are a few of the crucial reasons why AI is the rising star of the digital market.

A World Where No One Has To Work

One of the loftiest ambitions of AI developers is to create a world in which AI does all of the jobs previously done by human hands. While this is unlikely to happen any time soon, it is an exciting and intriguing prospect to consider a world where working for a living has become redundant.


We already see the benefits of AI-powered bomb disposal units and self-driving cars. As technology advances, it may bring the ability to take over some of the most dangerous jobs in society.

The potential benefits of having an AI complete tasks are many. It can help to reduce accidents caused by human error, making many areas of life and work safer.

Support In High Places

AI has the support of well-respected people within the tech business. With its endless capacity to streamline and fast track production and innovation, investors worldwide are keen to utilise and benefit from AI.

Respected names within the tech and business sphere have thrown their support behind increasing the use of AI. Tej Kohli is an excellent example of the technologists throwing their expertise and business knowledge behind AI technology.


The possibilities for using AI in healthcare are inspiring. AI could be used to monitor patients, identify diseases and illnesses quickly with data analysed in record time. There is also the possibility for robotics powered by AI to perform delicate procedures, though these are likely a long way from being a reality.

Customer Service

Many of us have encountered chatbots on websites and apps. One of the most well-known is Amazon’s customer service chat. This utilises AI to talk you through the most common issues you may have with your account or orders. While this type of service can’t answer all queries a customer may have, it can drastically reduce the amount of contact a customer may need with a human member of customer service.

As the progression continues, we will likely see customer service chats and smart assistants like Alexa and Siri become more effective. This will likely save businesses money across the board, as well as improving customer experience.


Self-driving cars have been a hot topic in recent years and are still going through beta and testing phases in many companies. Self-driving cars are probably one of the first things most people think of when they consider the uses for AI.

It will likely be some time before this type of AI is perfected, but the impact on society will probably be considerable.


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