It’s no secret that RTP can be a little confusing. I am even guilty of using it incorrectly despite being involved in the gambling industry for decades. However, with the right information, anyone can calculate RTP and use it to their advantage.

So, let’s get right into it as I walk you through how to calculate RTP and use it to your advantage.

What is RTP?

First, let’s go over what RTP is. RTP stands for Return to Player and is usually expressed as a percentage. It represents the amount of money a slot machine or casino experience will return to us over a long period of time on average.

To give an example; an iGaming title may have a RTP of 95%. This would mean that after playing for long enough, an individual would be left with 95% of all money they wagered. I think that the explanation of RTP itself is pretty straightforward – we just tend to get a little weary when percentages enter the room.

How to Calculate RTP

In my opinion, calculating RTP is relatively straightforward. Although, it typically involves data that most people don’t have direct access to. Regardless, having a basic understanding of the calculation can still be beneficial.

The formula to calculate RTP is:

Total amount wagered divided total amount earned times one hundred.

To make things easier, I’ll give you an example. Let’s say the total amount wagered is £100 and the total amount earned is £95. If I divide these figures and then times the result by one hundred, we would get an RTP of 95%.

I think it’s important to note that you need a much bigger sample size to accurately calculate RTP – we’re talking in the millions. If you just try to calculate it by going off how much you have spent or won in a play session it’s going to be wildly inaccurate.

You aren’t going to need to calculate RTP very often – I can’t imagine you will ever have to do it all. Most titles display their RTP, and for those that don’t you likely won’t have the right information anyway. Nevertheless, I think it’s still useful to know.

Using RTP to Your Advantage

From what I have seen, knowing the RTP of a title can significantly influence your strategy and overall experience. Here are several ways I think we can use RTP to our advantage:

  • Title Selection: I always look for titles with higher RTP percentages. Higher RTP means more favourable odds over the long run, increasing the likelihood of winning back a larger portion of your wagers.
  • Bankroll Management: In my opinion, understanding RTP can help you manage your bankroll more effectively. titles with higher RTPs are less volatile, meaning your bankroll will last longer, allowing for extended play and more chances to win.
  • Comparing titles: When choosing between two titles, I find it useful to compare their RTPs. Even a small difference in RTP can have a significant impact over time.

RTP vs. Volatility

I think it’s important to differentiate between RTP and volatility – they are both critical factors in title selection but mean different things. RTP is the average return, while volatility refers to the risk level and payout frequency of a title.

In my opinion, this is incredibly important to know. To give an example of why; certain titles offer a one-in-about-34-million chance to win the biggest prize, meaning they are extremely volatile. However, their RTPs could still be relatively normal when you factor in the amount that is won from said prize as well as the smaller payouts.

In my experience, combining knowledge of RTP with an understanding of volatility can help tailor your experience to your preferences.

RTP in Practice

Applying RTP knowledge in practice involves a bit of research and strategic thinking. From what I’ve seen, most online casinos list the RTP of their titles in the title information or paytable section. This is why I always check before playing a new title. Additionally, many online resources and forums discuss and review the RTPs of various titles.

When I find a title with a high RTP, I consider how its features align with my gaming goals. For example, if I’m looking for a long session with steady returns, I might choose a low volatility title with a high RTP. Conversely, if I’m in the mood for excitement and willing to take on more risk,

I might choose to play the highest RTP online slot for UK players I can find.

I hope I have been able to give you a better insight into how to calculate RTP and use it to your advantage. I think the RTP of the titles you play can have a significant influence over your experience. I know for me, I tend to have a better time when playing titles with high RTPs – it just feels more satisfying to win regularly in my opinion. You’ll also hold onto more of your money in the long run.

Regardless, I think as long as you play titles with an RTP that works for you, you will be golden. I’ll see you next time.

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