Are you feeling frustrated when your electric car is charging too slowly? It’s a common problem, but don’t give up hope yet because this article will show you what’s possible.

In this article, we are going to tell you why your EV charges slowly and what are the factors that influence the charging time of your EV.

From how much power your charger can handle to the size of your car’s battery, we will cover everything in easy-to-understand terms.

So let’s get started.

Why are Electric Vehicles So Popular in 2024?

Before getting straight to the factors influencing the EV charging time, let’s first understand why electric vehicles are so popular in 2024.

Well, there are lots of reasons behind EVs popularity in 2024:

  1. Caring for the Planet: Climate change concerns and the need to make a difference for the better good are what encourage more people to drive electric cars as these is kinder to the environment than regular cars.
  2. Tech Gets Better: Electric cars have been quite finicky, but at the same time, they have only gotten more straightforward to use. They can go much farther between charges, and they don’t take forever to power up.
  3. Governments Help Out: Some governments offer incentives to their residents who purchase electric vehicles. The incentives may be significant and may help give you some sort of monetization back in your pocket when you make that bold step to purchase an electric vehicle.
  4. Charging Up Everywhere: Just look around. From the park to the shopping complex, your electric vehicle charging station is making its rounds. It is easy to remain fully fueled in an electric vehicle since batteries are getting better, and one can go a long distance without getting concerned about running low on charge.
  5. Saving Cash: Though at the moment, it has been perceived that the cost of purchasing electric cars is relatively high, much money is to be saved in the long run. These cars will never consume vast volumes of fuel, and the rest of the running costs are considerably low. Therefore, you can save a lot in the long run.

So these are the few reasons behind the popularity of EVs in 2024. It is not just any sizzling trend; in fact, it is a greener and more wallet-friendly option for future drives.

Now let’s understand why your EV’s battery takes so long to charge up.

5 Factors That Influence The Charging Time of Your EV

Here are the 5 important factors that influence the charging time of your EV:

Power of the Charging Station

It all boils down to the charger’s power rating: the more powerful the charger is, the more electricity per charging session it sends to your EV, and the faster your battery will be filled. So, if you are tired of waiting, bump to a more powerful charging station.

State of Charge

Believe it or not, the current state of charge of your battery can affect charging time. The closer it is to being empty, the more it can charge up quickly; as it gets fuller, that charge rate tapers off. Think of it like water is poured into a glass: first, relatively fast—but closer to the top, slower.

Battery Temperature

Battery temperature is another significant factor that will impact your charge time. During cold weather, the charging process may have a slow effect, and during warm temperatures, vice versa. If you decide to charge the EV in extremely hot or cold temperatures, then you need to be prepared because it will take a little longer.

Health of the Battery

Just like with any other battery-powered device, the health of your EV’s battery can impact charging time. Batteries physically degrade with time at a decreasing charge rate. So, when you encounter a problem in which your EV does not charge as fast as before, that is probably a sign that your battery should be checked.

Capacity of the Battery

Finally, it is the capacity that will play into the charging time. The higher the capacity, the more it will take to fill into the pack. In short, big batteries have longer charging times.

How to Find a Quality EV Charger?

So if you are ready to upgrade your EV charging game, finding the right charger can make all the difference in how smoothly and efficiently you can power up your electric vehicle.

Here’s a simple guide to help you find a quality EV charger that meets your needs:

  1. Check Compatibility: Make it a point to buy a car charger compatible with your car model. Most chargers are suited for a particular region so ensure you get one that fits your needs.
  2. Think About Charging Speed: All chargers are not created equal. Some are just speedier at charging than others. In case speed matters, then you should go for a faster charger. Level 2 chargers are fast when compared to Level 1, but if speed is of the essence, go for Level 3 DC fast chargers.
  3. Look for Safety Features: Safety first! Get a charger with safety features like overcurrent protection and surge protection. This helps prevent accidents and keeps your car safe.
  4. Check Build Quality: A good-quality charger will last longer. Find one made of solid material, especially if you want to install a charger outside. For an outdoor charger, therefore, a bonus would be waterproofing.
  5. Check Warranty and Support: Good warranty and customer support mean much. Look for the written warranty of a few years for chargers and reviews with customer problems on company service.

With these tips, you will find the perfect charger for your electric car in no time.

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