Umrah and Hajj are the most sacred journeys Muslims make. These worships are the most physically challenging in Islam. While Hajj can only be performed in Dhul-Hijjah, the last month in the Islamic calendar, Umrah can be performed year-round. This allows Muslims to select their favorite time to perform Umrah. Owing to this freedom, many prefer going for Umrah in Ramadan; some opt for less-crowded months like September and October; and a fair share of pilgrims choose performing Umrah in December. A convenient way to Perform Umrah in December is to select an Umrah package.

All Muslims know about the spiritual benefits of performing Umrah; the need of the hour is to educate them on how to select the best December Umrah 2024 deal. This post is all about the practical aspects of selecting the best Umrah packages for December 2024 and finding the right travel agency.

How to Select the Best Travel Agency and Umrah Plan for Your Next Umrah?

Finding the Right Umrah Service Provider

The first step is to find the best tour operator. You can ask for a reference from friends or family or search for the best ones online. Simply look for the best Umrah travel agency near me or find December Umrah packages 2024 with your city name. You will get a list of all the various December Umrah deals being offered near you. Shortlist at least 4–5 companies. You can skip the steps below if you get a reference you can trust. Simply contact them, mention the reference, and see if they provide a good deal.

Verifying the Companies

Once you have picked the best companies, find them on Companies House UK, Saudi Hajj and the Umrah Ministry’s websites. It will ensure that you are dealing with legit companies. A good travel agency is always ATOL-protected and IATA-approved.

Now look for these companies on Google, Facebook, Yelp, and Trust pilot to see their reviews. Read through the latest to check customer feedback and how happy their customers are after the trip. If the reviews appear like a marketing pitch, stay away from such companies, as they can be a scam and attracting pilgrims with fake reviews.

Checking Price and Services

This is another equally important step, so don’t forget to spend ample time here. Pick out the December deals offered by the verified companies. Compare which hotels, flights, and other services they are offering and at what prices.

While selecting Umrah deals, make sure to go for an ATOL-protected & IATA-certified, all-inclusive December Umrah package. Such packages have the added benefit of all the services in the plan. You don’t have to worry about anything, as these include flights, hotels, all 3 meals, guided tours, and transportation.

Cheap December Umrah packages are an excellent option for people who can’t afford costly or high-end packages. However, some of these packages have below-par services that can sometimes affect your Umrah trip. So, spending a few bucks extra (if you can) can enhance your trip by providing mental peace and allowing you to pray and worship Allah without any worries.

Confirming the Travel Itinerary

Compare the travel schedules of the packages you have chosen. Make sure you go with the one that meets your needs the most. Some companies can adjust the dates on request, but it happens rarely because these packages are group-based. They can’t move the whole group for 1-2 people.

Double-Checking Hidden Costs and Terms & Conditions

Some travel agencies include hidden costs in the packages in the form of transportation charges, drinks, or guided tours. Make sure you discuss with your service provider that no such costs are included in the package. Secondly, checking the contract’s terms and conditions is equally vital. Moreover, make sure that you ask how you will get a refund if you cancel your trip due to any unforeseen event.

Types of December Umrah Packages

3-Star Umrah Deals

The most basic option of the three types. These plans usually have hotels located around 1000 meters from Masjid Al-Haram and Masjid Al-Nabwi. The flights are also included but can have layovers. Moreover, these packages come with only 1 meal (typically breakfast) and don’t have the added option of drinks. Transportation and guided tours are not included, but most travel agencies are happy to add these services upon request.

4-Star Umrah Deals

An excellent option in the realm of affordable December Umrah packages, they come with hotels usually located around 500 meters away from the Holy Mosques. Most of these packages include two meals (breakfast, lunch, or dinner). These packages offer the best value for money and are most popular among pilgrims all over the world.

5-Star Umrah Deals

The best and most premium option of the lot, 5-star December Umrah packages 2024 elevate your trip by providing luxury hotels, direct flights, all three meals, guided tours, transportation, and many other services. The hotels in these plans are usually located around at a distance of 100–200 meters from the Holy Mosques. The price of a 5-star December Umrah 2024 starts at £1000 and goes up to £2500 depending on the duration of the stay.

Final Words

We have explained everything you need to know before selecting the best Umrah plan. There is another way to perform Umrah, a DIY option. This allows pilgrims to control everything, like the duration, hotels, and flights. However, it can be difficult to plan, especially for first-timers and people who are too busy. This is why millions of Muslims worldwide opt for pre-planned Umrah packages.

If you are planning to book an Umrah deal for December 2024, head over to Muslims Holy Travel. We are a leading travel agency in the UK, providing bespoke Umrah, Hajj, and Halal tours for Muslims, offering the best services at affordable rates. Contact us today and get amazing deals for your next Umrah trip.

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