Companies using little known...

April 12, 2011

With increasing numbers of people struggling to pay their unsecured debts including personal loans and credit cards, lenders are using a little known clause in consumer credit laws to chase paymentsfr...

Inflation drops but economy...

April 12, 2011

Inflation has fallen unexpectedly, reinforcing the Bank of England’s strategy of keeping interest rates unchanged. Figures published today show inflation dropped 0.4% to 4% – double the Ba...

Bank report highlights need...

April 11, 2011

As anticipated by many industry experts, today’s interim report from the Independent Commission on Banking (ICB) has recommended that UK-based banks should “ring-fence” their high-st...

Mortgage rates will hit 2% i...

April 11, 2011

Hard-pressed families struggling to keep up with bills could face mortgage rates soaring to 2% within a year. The forecast comes from Bank of England monetary policy committee hardliner Andrew Sentanc...