Credit card firms push 0% tr...

March 17, 2011

Credit card firms are pushing the limits for new customers by offering record 0% interest freeperiods for borrowers who switch loyalties. Barclaycard is leading the pack with a 20-month interest free...

FSA says proposed bank shake...

March 17, 2011

The chairman of the Financial Services Authority (FSA) has said that proposed plans to separate retailand investment banking operations may not go far enough to make the UK banking system safer. The I...

Cash ISA advice from banks a...

March 16, 2011

With just a few weeks to the deadline for contributing to a cash ISA in the present tax year, thequality of ISA advice given to consumers by building societies and banks has been strongly criticised.I...

Stashing cash in low interes...

March 16, 2011

Leaving savings in a poor performing account may not be the best place for your savings – especially when low interestrates, high inflation and expensive charges are eating in to your cash. The...