Rise in inflation means save...

January 20, 2011

Figures published by the government this week showed a sharp increase in the rate of UK inflation.  The Consumer Prices Index now stands at 3.7 per cent which means that there is currently only o...

Cost of care is a postcode l...

January 20, 2011

Some councils are charging more than £20 per hour for the same home care someone elseliving just yards away is receiving for free. The cost of care that covers paying for help with dressing, was...

Family group aims to help sa...

January 20, 2011

Single parent support group Gingerbread has joined up with RBS to launch a new online guide thataims to help families save money. Gingerbread expects calls to its Single Parent Helpline to peak in Jan...

Mortgage lenders to reposses...

January 19, 2011

Banks and building societies have warned property investors and homeowners in mortgage arrears that more homes face repossession as lenders give up on borrowers in financial trouble.  The threat...