Will ONT data indicate a dou...

April 22, 2012

With new figures about to be released by the Office for National Statistics this coming Wednesday, there is some amount of concern as to whether or not the UK is in the throes of a double dip recessio...

Disabled workers protest fac...

April 21, 2012

As the Remploy website states, they are ‘committed’ to helping disabled workers find employment so with the news of planned closures within 36 of their 54 sites in the coming months, disabled work...

Contrary to government promi...

April 20, 2012

In previous years it seemed a real gift that mothers would be allowed, by statutes, to take maternity leave after the birth of their babies. However, in today’s troubled economy, mothers are finding...

Food taking a backseat to pe...

April 19, 2012

AA, the motoring group, has released figures which don’t bode well for the average working family. The group worries that families are actually spending more on petrol than they are feeding their fa...