Retail chains throughout the...

January 02, 2012

While many high street shops had hoped that the run up to the holidays would have provided the much needed revenue to keep them afloat, at least for the time being, many face insolvency or at least cl...

New study finds that frail,...

January 01, 2012

In what might be one of the saddest commentaries in the history of the NHS, a new study conducted by the King’s Fund Thinktank suggests that hospitals rush elderly patients who have a broken hip, pn...

Banks hoarding ECB cash caus...

December 31, 2011

There are actually two things to be concerned with in the recent news about the Euro (single currency) hitting a decline which is the lowest in 11 months against the US dollar and the Japanese yen, th...

Director of Age UK warns eld...

December 30, 2011

When being interviewed by the Guardian, the director of Age UK, Michelle Mitchell declared that elder care is on the brink of crisis due to government cuts in social care as councils have less money t...