Will France be the next cred...

December 17, 2011

Word has been spreading that France could be the next country in the eurozone to experience a credit downgrade by Standard & Poor’s, which could exacerbate the already mounting panic. In fact, i...

Euro crisis heightens with B...

December 16, 2011

The latest country in the eurozone to be downgraded is Belgium which Moody’s has brought down by two notches. Amidst growing pressure to get a grip on the growing debt crisis in the EU, the ratings...

UK exports suffering from eu...

December 15, 2011

UK factories have been recording the lowest exports since almost two years ago in January of 2010 and it is attributed largely to the debt crisis in the eurozone. In a monthly report released by the C...

Former health secretary warn...

December 14, 2011

According to Alan Milburn, former health secretary and current social mobility adviser is warning government that they are far from reaching their 2020 target date for reducing child poverty levels. A...