Royal finances hit by auster...

December 05, 2011

Even the Queen has been hit by austerity measures in these difficult times the UK is facing. According to the latest figures released, the Queen’s income is to be ‘frozen’ until at least the yea...

Cash pledged to councils aim...

December 04, 2011

In the UK there are thought to be over 930,000 homes which have lain empty and in an effort to ease homelessness government has pledged £50 million to assist local councils to take hold of these prop...

Companies in Britain looking...

December 03, 2011

With all the recent talk of the impending demise of the euro, international companies with a presence in the UK are planning ahead for the breakdown of the single currency euro and are thinking of way...

BOE Anticipates Requests for...

December 02, 2011

With the second credit crunch in the last decade threatening an already wavering UK economy, the Financial Policy Committee (FEC) for the Bank of England (BOE) is anticipating an elevated need for tax...