Church of England Bishops Cr...

November 20, 2011

Recently, eighteen bishops from the Church of England signed an open letter in The Observer that criticised the recently proposed welfare reforms. The bishops questioned plans to set a household limit...

EU 2012 budget resolved afte...

November 19, 2011

Member nations of the European Union had wanted a 5% increase in budgets for the coming year but other EU states, including the UK, argued that this was a bit much especially under these times of aust...

Workers in the UK riding out...

November 18, 2011

In the aftermath of the global financial crisis of 2008, and with worries abound about the eurozone crisis, many UK workers are opting to stay at their current job position, despite lower wages and sl...

Think Money welcomes plans f...

November 17, 2011

Financial solutions company Think Money has welcomed new plans, announced by the Government, to ‘streamline’ the bankruptcy process – which could cut costs for both struggling borrow...