Fewer Brits taking foreign h...

October 13, 2011

Because of the tragic state of the economy, polls show that more than a half million Britons are sacrificing foreign holidays in an effort to conserve money. According to statistics, the number of Bri...

Irish protesters joining int...

October 12, 2011

A movement which began in the United States, Occupy Wall Street, as a demonstration against capitalism and the severe line of demarcation between the rich and the poor. In a protest that appears to be...

The rich are getting richer...

October 12, 2011

It may sound cliché but it is oh so true because in fact the rich are getting richer while the poor are certainly on the losing end of the stick. According to recent figures, FTSE executives’ earni...

Eurozone being called epicen...

October 11, 2011

Chancellor Osborne has asked that leaders in Europe become decisive in their plan of action over the debt crisis that has been building in the eurozone. In fact, global leaders are now calling the eur...