Majority of middle income cl...

October 05, 2011

There was a time in the not so distant past that middle earners actually felt as though they were making a decent wage but now the tides have turned. Those making what is considered to be middle incom...

Eurozone debt fears increasi...

October 05, 2011

Once again Italy’s sovereign debt has been cut by the ratings agency, Moody’s which has them sliding from Aa2 to a rating of A2 and all is not looking good from there. The pattern suggests that fu...

Marchers in Glasgow protesti...

October 04, 2011

In what might be one of the largest protests ever staged in the pouring rain in Glasgow, a crowd of more than 15,000 people gathered to march across the city to protest government cuts in benefits and...

Credit Easing Proposal Welco...

October 04, 2011

After UK Chancellor George Osborne recently proposed a credit easing scheme that would make more credit available to UK businesses, several pension fund executives have stated that they are open to th...