Inflation Hits the Cost of D...

September 13, 2011

Recent statistics show that the cost of living has increased by just about 4.5% last month but that is not a high figure when compared to the rise in the cost of dying. Over a seven year period, funer...

Telecom Rollover Contracts B...

September 13, 2011

Ofcom recently banned rollover telecom contracts which lock consumers into a service contract which renews automatically at the end of the year. It is Ofcom’s contention that this not only forces co...

Chancellor’s Autumn ‘Sta...

September 12, 2011

Under the previous Labour government we called this a pre-Budget report, but Chancellor George Osborne calls it his ‘Autumn Statement.’ In any case, this is where government paints a picture of wh...

Vacancies in London Finance...

September 12, 2011

With the latest numbers just being released, it is apparent that London’s finance industry has fewer vacancies than it had just a year ago in the same period of 2010. In August alone, jobs in the fi...