UK Economic Forecast Downgra...

September 01, 2011

In an announcement released by the British Chambers of Commerce, the BCC forecast yet another downgrade in a line of downgrades throughout 2011. Their reasoning behind this latest downgrade to the eco...

Armed Forces Cuts Have Defen...

September 01, 2011

In defence of the recently announced personnel cuts in the RAF and Army, Liam Fox is on record as saying this will give Britain’s defence the chance to grow in coming years. Many don’t understand...

HSBC Unlikely to Meet PPI De...

August 31, 2011

HSBC was just one of the high street banks which were found to have mis sold PPI and one of those also ordered to clear its backlog of complaints. As that deadline is near, word has leaked that the ba...

New Study Reveals Britons De...

August 31, 2011

Within the past year, the number of people being forced by inflation to delay retirement has at least doubled while many of these workers find they will need to work well into their late 60’s and ma...