UK Pay Settlements Steady in...

August 25, 2011

Although government has reported a freeze in pay settlements in the public sector, the private sector appears to be faring well with settlements at 2.5% for the previous three months ending in July....

Japan Succumbs to Downgraded...

August 25, 2011

Within the same month as another world super economy was downgraded in their debt rating, Japan which is the world’s third largest economy has likewise lost ground. Moody’s has cut Japan from its...

UK Taxpayers Angry with Swis...

August 25, 2011

In an historic deal with the Swiss, the UK is set to start capturing up to £5bn in taxes without ever knowing the identity of the taxpayers holding their money is Swiss banks. The total amount taxed...

UK Manufacturing Still Going...

August 24, 2011

Amidst the growing concerns surrounding the debt crisis in the Eurozone, amazingly Britain’s manufacturing sector is still going strong. In fact, it is forecast that factories will even be gaining m...