Glimmer of hope for first ti...

February 23, 2011

If you are a first time buyer, the last couple of years have been tough.  A sharp reduction in the number of mortgages available to people with a small deposit coupled with ever increasingly stri...

Falling interest rates boost...

February 23, 2011

Personal loan rates are still tumbling with many rates for borrowersat their lowest for two years or so. Interest rates for borrowers looking for £7,500 or more have dropped steadily since the s...

Banks give ‘shockingly...

February 23, 2011

A new consumer group report has shown worrying gaps in bank staff’s knowledge about ISAproducts, and indicated that this means they are giving “shockingly poor” advice to some custom...

Halifax to pay ?500m to mort...

February 22, 2011

Leading mortgage lender Halifax has agreed to pay out compensation totalling £500 million, after failingto clearly inform more than half a million customers about potential increases on its stan...