Young couples pretending to...

February 11, 2011

Britain’s ‘crazy’ welfare system is making fully commited young couples into fraudsters because marriage or even living together means they’ll receive a drastic cut in income,...

Research finds that childles...

February 10, 2011

If you have children and are looking for a mortgage, the chances are you will be offered a lower mortgage than a childless couple.  That’s the result of some research carried out by the Dai...

Mortgage payers relax as int...

February 10, 2011

Millions of homeowners can breathe a sigh of relief as the Bank of England has voted to keep interest rates at 0.5% for another month. The decision means interest rates have stayed at pegged at the re...

Cash ISA rates spike...

February 10, 2011

New figures show that interest rates on tax-free cash ISAs are at their highest level for two years –giving UK savers a welcome boost in an otherwise tough financial climate. The average rate of...