Eight million Brits put thei...

February 09, 2011

Did you miss a regular monthly payment in 2010? If so, you are not alone.  Recent research has discovered that a staggering eight million Brits missed a regular monthly payment last year.  L...

Banks cave in to OsborneR...

February 09, 2011

The government’s Project Merlin scored a wizard result for commonsense as the bank’s cavedin to demands to lend more and pay less bonuses. Chancellor George Osborne has ended up pretty muc...

Government reveals banks agr...

February 09, 2011

The government has unveiled the details of the agreement it has sealed with Britain’s largest bankson bonuses and lending. Under the scheme – which was named ‘Project Merlin’ &...

Insolvency Hit Record High i...

February 09, 2011

Record amounts of people were proclaimed insolvent in England and Wales during the past year. An all-time high of 135,089 persons were announced insolvent in 2010, the Insolvency Service revealed R...