Tax think tank urges ministe...

January 06, 2011

QROPS offshore pensions may not be needed to protect pension funds from inheritance tax ifexperts from a think-tank get their way. A report from the influential Institute for Public Policy Research (I...

Lenders brace for drop in mo...

January 06, 2011

A new survey by the Bank of England indicates that UK mortgage companies expect lendingconditions to remain steady in the first three months of 2011, but are preparing for a further dropin mortgage de...

Chancellor defends VAT incre...

January 06, 2011

With VAT increasing from 17.5% to 20% on the 4th of January, Chancellor of the Exchequer GeorgeOsborne has defended the move as “the least damaging” option. Labour MPs have expressed oppos...

New European financial regul...

January 06, 2011

The newly-formed European Systemic Risk Board will meet for the first time on the 20th of January,with the aim of preventing a recurrence of the financial mistakes that have shaken the globaleconomy i...