Standard and Poor Confirms U...

October 04, 2011

According to Standard and Poor (S&P) despite the sluggish economic growth, Britain’s diverse economy and versatile monetary policy are allowing the nation to deal with an economic slowdown w...

Euro Zone Financial Minister...

October 02, 2011

Euro zone finance ministers recently started a two-day conference on the euro zone debt crisis, with obvious tension and division regarding the expansion of the remit of bailout funds. Email this page...

Household Council tax frozen...

October 02, 2011

Finance Minister George Osborne is expected to announce Monday that the UK will be freezing the tax that households are required to pay in order to fund local services. The government will allegedly f...

2015 Tax Cuts to Depend on D...

October 01, 2011

According to Chancellor George Osborne, whether the government will be capable of delivering tax cuts by the next election in 2015 will rely on economic developments during the next few years, particu...