Accounting Advice for School...

July 06, 2018

The shift from school to academy status brings with it a raft of changes in how a school is legally and financially managed. The transition itself can be complex and, afterwards, there are new and per...

Claiming Compensation for an...

April 18, 2018

Your employer has a duty to protect you while you are at your place of work. This means that if you have an accident whilst at work they have certain obligations in terms of reporting what has happene...

How much will fracking affec...

November 15, 2017

Fracking has become a hot topic in recent years – with politicians and campaigners engaged in fierce debates about whether it should be used and, if so, how and where. But, what is it and how might...

Former nightclub owner gets...

July 19, 2015

Mr. Richard Michael Phillips, 64, of Colchester, was subjected to a bankruptcy order after the liquidator of his previous company filed a petition against him in 2013. This order follows a 7-year disq...