Number of Home Repossessions...

August 13, 2011

There is a definite conflict in the mortgage market at the moment as home repossessions are significantly lower but growing numbers are in arrears on their mortgage repayments. Some experts warn that...

Dire Mortgage Market Predict...

August 11, 2011

Renowned Irish economist, Professor Morgan Kelly, has dire predictions for the financial future of Ireland’s mortgage market which will trickle down to the economy at large. As the world scoffed at...

Mortgage deals set to get ch...

August 10, 2011

Mortgage experts have predicted that mortgage deals are set to get cheaper over the next few weeks as worries about an imminent interest rate rise have been quashed.  The Independent reports that the...

Mortgage lending falls again...

August 09, 2011

New figures from the Bank of England show that mortgage lending plummeted in March as the housing market remained subdued.  The Independent reports that net lending (taking into account repayments an...